Josh is beyond thrilled to be performing in his first Senior Drama production, and first (but definitely not last) stage show, as the role of Inspector Hound. Josh has previously been in the 9/10 production of Exile, using puppeteering and ensemble work to tell a moving story. He has always been a fan of films and television, which sparked his interest in acting. However, stage shows have always been a dream for Josh and this performance of a prominent character is something he is very proud of. From a young age, detectives were always characters he loved to watch. For his performance as Hound, Josh takes inspiration from the greats like Curious George, The Scooby Gang and Adam West's Batman. In his spare time, Josh loves to take long walks on the beach with his girlfriend and solve grisly murders through immaculate deduction skills (no relation between the two), as well as smoking with his Calabash pipe when in deep existential dread from his latest case. He would like to thank his friends and family for their support through this production.
View My Personal BioJosh is beyond thrilled to be performing in his first Senior Drama production, and first (but definitely not last) stage show, as the role of Inspector Hound. Josh has previously been in the 9/10 production of
Exile, using puppeteering and ensemble work to tell a moving story. He has always been a fan of films and television, which sparked his interest in acting. However, stage shows have always been a dream for Josh and this performance of a prominent character is something he is very proud of. From a young age, detectives were always characters he loved to watch. For his performance as Hound, Josh takes inspiration from the greats like Curious George, The Scooby Gang and Adam West’s Batman. In his spare time, Josh loves to take long walks on the beach with his girlfriend and solve grisly murders through immaculate deduction skills (no relation between the two), as well as smoking with his Calabash pipe when in deep existential dread from his latest case. He would like to thank his friends and family for their support through this production.
View my Bio from The Real Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard