daniel KemptonDaniel Kempton
ACT, Canberra
Age : 32
Occupation : Bartender
Dan has an incredible multi-instrumental talent, An indiscriminative love for music, and a passion for fast paced action, movement and dance. Dan has a multifaceted performance record ranging from his freelanced work; chilled out acoustic cover sets at bars, reminiscing the 80's from the roof of a boat on Lake Burley Griffin, and even the screaming front man of a metalcore band; to more notable organisations such as MUSIC FOR EVERYONE and the CANBERRA BOYS GRAMMAR HSC recitals.
Dan recently stared as the subject of a short action packed film produced by ANU Film students; this role involved running across walls, tumbling, acrobatics and climbing inside a warehouse.
During the filming of a tumbling scene Dan hand was cut open by a shard of glass and proceeded to scale the outside of a staircase, this scene went on to be used in the final cut, showing Dan's innate "The show must go on" attitude.
Dan's perfomance of WEST SIDE STORY(2010) with Radford College sparked his interest for acting, musicals and dance and dreams of pursuing more opportunities the future.

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Shows Daniel Kempton has been in
Show finished on 28 Sep 2013
$25 - $40