Sydney Theatre Company presentsPERPLEXBy Marius von MayenburgTranslated by Maja Zade
A shape-shifting theatrical puzzle
Taking inspiration from Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author, as well as the pens of Stoppard, Nietzsche and Beckett, influential writer Marius von Mayenburg has created a fast-paced and very funny piece of contemporary absurdism.
The four actors play musical chairs with their characters in an astonishing tumble of scenes. Their characters are patchwork individuals, groping for assurance and security in a constantly disintegrating reality, while slipping on the metaphysical banana peels von Mayenburg throws in their path.
Fresh from her success with Mrs Warren's Profession in 2013, director Sarah Giles tackles the play. She has prior form with von Mayenburg, having won a Sydney Theatre Award for her production of his play The Ugly One at Griffin Theatre Company in 2011.
After this, not only will you be more careful about whom you choose to house-sit next time you go on holiday, you will also never leave your partner alone at a fancy dress party again.