Jeckyll and Hyde -
A Slightly Isolated Dog presents
Jekyll and Hyde -

8 Jun 2021




Meet the most delightfully evil man alive, Mr Hyde. A man so evil he punches the cleaning lady, drop-kicks a precious puffin and yells ‘shark’ at the beach.

Two performances - 10.30 am & 7.30 pm
Duration - 75 minutes

This mad-cap rendition of Jekyll and Hyde celebrates the darkness within us all. A completely reworked version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Edinburgh inspired novella, this terrifyingly hilarious theatre comedy plays at Assembly George Square Gardens this Fringe.

Jekyll is a man who washes and separates his recycling AND puts it in the correct bin. Hyde is the man who uses the last of the toilet roll and never replaces it, who drains the shared flat account to buy cigarettes and never, ever calls you by your given name.

Who does that?

Who is this mad man?


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Moncrieff Entertainment Centre
Session TimesTicket PricesDuration
75 Minutes