Set in late-1960s Australia, three families embark on life-changing vacations in Michael Gow’s classic play, Away. Gwen is determined to have a perfect holiday with her husband, Jim, and daughter, Meg, driving them--and herself--crazy as she worries about Meg’s increasing independence. Harry and Vic want to share a happy memory with their son, Tom, who is dying of leukaemia; though his parents have tried to keep his terminal diagnosis a secret, Tom already knows the truth of his fate. Roy’s marriage is near to collapsing as his wife, Coral, loses herself to inconsolable grief in the wake of their son’s death in the Vietnam War. Though each family sets out for a different destination, they are all thrown together after a torrential storm brings them to the same beach on the Gold Coast. They confront grief, loss, and letting go as each struggles towards reconciliation, acceptance, and eventual healing.
Dinner and Show bookings are now open for 'AWAY,' by Michael Gow. Contact the school front office on 61421000 to make a reservation for the dinner. Please make sure you purchase a ticket for the Thursday night online via before booking the dinner.
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