Inspired by a Nasruddin Hodja story and just in time for school holidays, Scent Tales is a delicious-smelling story of coming to one's senses.
An eccentric narrator weaves a bittersweet tale of a baker and her sister. Just how much is a memory worth? Would you pay for the smell of a fresh baked bread? Or is it priceless?
Enter the world created by debuting company Little y Theatre, a playful hyper-reality which will stimulate your senses in magical ways.
Be enchanted by the puppetry and poetry, delighted by the baked goods, and seduced by the Love Bread.
Presented by CircuitWest and the Little Y Theatre Company.
Directed by Joanne Foley, written by the cast, director, Corinne Davies and Alexis Davis. Featuring Mischa Ipp, Georgia King, and Rhoda Lopez.
Design by Monique Wajon, lighting design by Joe Lui, original music by Sian Brown, photography by Stevie Cruz-Martin, graphic design by Joshua Makinda.