Ben RaynerBen Rayner
NSW, Temora
Ben is 18 years old and completed his HSC in 2020 at Temora High School. Over the years, Ben has also been involved in several Temora High School and Temora Motion Arts productions. Ben is the mentor for Culture and Performing Arts group at Platform Y, working with very young children to nurture and develop drama skills. Ben will commence a Performing Arts degree at Wollongong University in 2022 and hopes to become a Drama Teacher. Earlier this year, Ben was part of the acclaimed Henry V production in Leeton by Kensington Productions and the Roxy Theatre and played the role of Boy. Taking on Macbeth, Ben has relished the opportunity to bring this troubled character to life and he gives a passionate performance with depth, maturity and skill.

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Shows Ben Rayner has been in
Show finished on 20 Nov 2021
$15 - $25