Meadow KuskeMeadow Kuske
Meadow is thrilled to be a part of the School of Rock by Dramatic Productions. Meadow has been acting, singing and dancing since she was 5 years old. She has performed in The Little Mermaid (Icklepickle Productions) which was an amazing experience for Meadow. She has been a cast member in a number of drama productions at her school (Canberra Grammar School), Australian School of Performing Arts, Beauty and the Beast (Budding Entertainment), Drama Stars Academy and Perform Australia. Meadow sings in her school choir, studies piano and practices taekwondo three days a week. Meadow loves being a part of the cast of School of Rock and hopes you enjoy the show as much as she does.

Shows Meadow Kuske has been in
School of RockSchool of Rock
Show finished on 22 Oct 2022
$35 - $65