Hayley CalderwoodHayley Calderwood
ACT, Canberra
Age : 38
Hayley Calderwood grew up in Brisbane with four sisters and a very musical family environment.
After watching Hello Dolly at age 7, Hayley knew she wanted to do things involving singing. At age 12 she was invited to join the prestigious Young Conservatorium Singers at the QLD Conservatorium of Music.
Throughout high school, Hayley was in several choirs and musicals both in and outside school, some included The Man of Steel, a musical based on the Superman story.
Hayley has provided backup vocals on CD's for her sister Sarah Calderwood in the Celtic band, SĂșnas for the ABC.
Stumbling upon the Canberra musical theatre scene last year, she appeared as awkward nerd Debbie Fox in Back to the 80's, another Free-Rain production. From the 80's to the opera, being a part of Phantom 2013 is a dream come true.
Hayley would like to thank her darling fiancée for understanding her dream, and her parents for taking her to see The Phantom of the Opera when she was 12 years old. The costumes, the MUSIC, THE CHANDELIER!!!! He's here...

Shows Hayley Calderwood has been in
The Phantom of the OperaThe Phantom of the Opera
Show finished on 23 Aug 2013
$42.50 - $81.75