Fruit Box Theatre is a non-profit committed to staging and developing original LGBTQIA+SB theatre. Our mission is to strengthen queer representation, well-being, and collaboration in the arts.
Too often, artistic representations of the LGBTQIA+SB community are constrained by tropes of shame, isolation and discomfort. We at Fruit Box Theatre are passionate about developing and staging original theatrical works that reflect and explore the full spectrum of LGBTQIA+SB lived experience.
Thought 2022, LGBTQIA+SB writers and actors in the RIPE Development Program are working intensively to develop five original plays from conception to fruition. Our creative process is focused on community, consultation and catharsis. The original works will be staged in Fruit Box Theatre’s World Pride Season in 2023 alongside a one-woman drag show by headliner Etcetera Etcetera.
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