Garrick Theatre is situated in the heritage town of GUildford, Western Australia. The club was named after the famous English actor and dramatist, David Garrick. Founded in 1932, Garrick is the longest-running community theatre in the Perth metropolitan area.
On April 16, 1932, Mrs W Dancer and a few friends met at "Riversleigh" where it was decided to form a Repertory Club. On May 13, 1932, The Garrick Theatre Club was born. This group gathered regularly at "Riversleigh" until more permanent premises were obtained at the Mechanic's Institute in Guildford.
Later, the move to the club's present home in Meadow Street was made possible with the assistance of the local council, whose interest in Garrick's aims and activites has never waned. This "home" was constructed in the early days of the colony and served initially as quarters for the Commissariat. The building is heritage-listed. Various renovations and additions have taken place over the decades, perhaps most notably; a new stage with revolve in the 1990s.
Over eight decades, the Garrick Theatre has bought to the community a wide variety of entertainment. In its turn, it has received many awards and today is one of the most respected community theatre groups in the state. The club is run entirely by members on a voluntary basis.
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