A Lab Kelpie productionBECOME THE ONEBy Adam FawcettDirected by Lyall BrooksComposition & Sound Design by Tom BackhausCast Chris Asimos & Henry Strand
When Noah captures the attention of Tom, a celebrated AFL player nearing the end of his career, sparks immediately fly. But as the season progresses and their relationship grows, questions around identity, agency and our devotion to hyper masculinity begin to surface, forcing us to consider what happens to love when good intentions and patience aren’t enough anymore.
An award-winning romantic comedy featuring two vibrant, lovable characters at its heart, Become The One explores why a footballer would choose to remain closeted, and why their openly gay partner would choose to accept it.
Weaving a clever tapestry of comedy, drama and romance, the play repositions the typical “closeted sportsman” narrative by asking its audience to consider: What if it was the partner, not the athlete, that became the driving force behind dismantling the heteronormativity of Australia’s national sport? What might they – and that journey – look like?
Winner of the 2018 Playtime Award for New Writing, this funny, smart and challenging drama explores the true meaning of bravery and what it might take to do the right thing – as a lover, as a high-profile sportsman, as a human being – to become the one.