Victorian Theatre Company presents

8 Nov 2022 to 12 Nov 2022

Emma and Jay are lovers, isolated and outcast from society. Money is scarce and the streets are dark and unforgiving. Desperate to prove themselves and change their fortunes, they take the law into their own hands. They’re good at it. They enjoy taking what isn't theirs… with heartbreaking consequences. 

Told through 28 poems, this dark and poetic love story tells the tale of two outcasts trying to claim their place in society. The text is weaved together with an original score that underpins the emotional journey of the young narrators. 

As the struggle of isolation is widely felt, now more than ever, Daniel Keene’s LOW (written in 1990), travels through time and grabs us by the heart.

LOW is a tale that comes from and belongs to Melbourne's streets. Although the characters find themselves in dire circumstances, it is ultimately a story of hope.

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Explosives Factory
Session TimesTicket PricesDuration
1 hour 30 minutes