This beautiful concert turns the dark night of the soul into a blissful place. The ebony tones of baritone David Greco blend perfectly with dark velvet strings, while, against them, the baroque flute shines as delicately as a thin crescent of moonlight.
Two ravishing works by Telemann – his solo cantata ‘Der am Ölberg zagende Jesus’, known as Die Stille Nacht (The Silent Night), and his tender Sonata à 6 in F minor for strings – are woven together with works by Vivaldi, including the exquisite Flute Concerto in G minor, known as ‘La Notte’.
Allow the sublime music of the Australian Haydn Ensemble, played on period instruments and featuring soloists David Greco (baritone) and Melissa Farrow (flute) to "make all the world in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun."
“...The Australian Haydn Ensemble exudes precision, elegance and spirit...” - Sydney Arts Guide
Concerto for strings in F major (RV 136)
Selections from the cantata Der am Ölberg zagende Jesus (Die Stille Nacht)
Concerto for Flute in G minor La Notte
‘Chi all copa’ from Armida al campo d’Egitto
‘Gelido in ogni vena’ from Farnace
‘Terrible e lo le scempio’ from La Silvia
‘Guten nacht’ from the Passion Oratorio Siegels Erwägen
Selections from Serenade à 5 Der Nachtwächeter
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