Lizzy CollierLizzy Collier
Die Fledermaus
Having moved to Canberra to study at the Australian National University, Lizzy has been an active member of the Canberra music scene since 2009. Whilst at university, Lizzy started the ANU Music Societies concert band in 2009, to provide a concert band experience for university students. Her conducting was furthered through her undergraduate studies of music at the School of Music, from which she graduate from in 2012 with a BA/BMus. During this period Lizzy was involved in several conducting opportunities such as the Canberra Opera Workshop in 2011, and is the driving force behind the popular Toddlers Proms Program since 2010. Lizzy has worked as a freelance conductor with NCO, CYO and various choirs. Lizzy has worked with Canberra Opera's productions of La Boheme (2015), Suor Angelica (2016) and now Die Fledermaus (2017).

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Shows Lizzy Collier has been in
Die FledermausDie Fledermaus
Show finished on 14 May 2017
Free - $35