Stunt Double is a jaw-dropping immersive theatre experience bringing audiences inside the filming of a 1970s Aussie action flick.
Cycling through take after take of high octane stunts; flips, jumps, fights and more; the doubles put their body on the line while the actors reap the glory. In Stunt Double, it’s the hardest working people who get paid the least and exploited the most. Sound familiar? Well that’s because some things never change. The show is a hilarious tongue in cheek dive into the complex and absurd power dynamics of the film industry, into exploitation as a blood sport; and the human cost of celebrity and our quest to come out on top.
Inspired by films such as Wake In Fright, Razorback and BMX Bandits, Stunt Double is sure to be an unforgettable ride, and yet another genre-bending blockbuster by groundbreaking dance and theatre collective, The Farm.