Happy to be working once again with Free Rain, Brian is emerging from a small theatrical hibernation having not performed since playing Mr Mayor in Ickle Pickle's January 2014 production of Seussical. In recent years he's enjoyed performing as Lt Shrank in West Side Story, dual roles in To Kill a Mockingbird, both productions with Free Rain, and as Edgar Beane in Supa's centenary production of Titanic. Working with this great cast and crew is compensating for the challenge of once again facing his fear of dancing with two left feet.
View My Personal BioAlwaysloved acting and was often on stage in school concerts, singing in the choir, selectedvoices and acting in short skits. Did a few small shows (musical andstraight) while studying to be a priest. Acted in a variety of one act plays,revues and musicals before and after National Service in Townsville beforemoving to Canberra where he did a series of mainly straight plays and onemusical with Canberra Repertory during 1972,73,74 and 1976. Then had a longsabbatical as other matters took priority. Returned to the stage in 2005 andhas done mainly musicals but also a handful of straight plays since. Enjoyingvery much the buzz of live theatre again in retirement from the 9 to 5workforce. Has done paid work as a labourer, soldier, public servant, milkvendor, taxi driver, exercise instructor, actor. Has done voluntary work as acoach in Rugby League, Oztag, Soccer, Cricket, Athletics (still doing that) andmuch committee work in those sports and church activities. Currently workscasually and part time as a group exercise leader and acts as a SimulatedPatient with the ANU School of Clinical Medicine.
View my Bio from Mary Poppins