Part road-story, part family drama, part political cry-from-the-heart, Barbara and the Camp Dogs is a high-octane rock gig featuring the powerhouse duo of Ursula Yovich and Elaine Crombie, and a very sharp band keeping the night alive.
Meet Barbara and her band the Camp Dogs. Barbara’s been trying to make it in Sydney, but this is a tough town for musicians. In all the relentless demands of city life, where’s the sense of belonging she craves?
When her mother’s health deteriorates, Barbara and her cousin René hit the road, embarking on a pilgrimage back home to country.
Barbara and the Camp Dogs was Belvoir’s 2017 sleeper hit that – due to an overwhelming demand – will make a return in 2019 with a national tour.
So take a seat and prepare to be blown away by Barbara and the Camp Dogs.
“…A rare piece, one that slaps you in the face then brings then brings you to your feet. Powerful stuff. ” Audrey Journal
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